Orthotic shells with antimicrobial top covers. Three rigidities so you can choose the level of support you require. KLM Labs is a proud supplier of the US Military.
Are you someone who spends long hours on their feet at work? Do you often find yourself dealing with sweaty and smelly feet? Look no further, because Foot Soldiers Plus is the solution you've been searching for. These removable and replaceable antimicrobial support insoles are specifically designed for those in the workplace who struggle with excessive foot perspiration.
Whether you're standing, climbing, or walking throughout the day, Foot Soldiers Plus insoles provide the necessary support to keep you comfortable. Not only that, but they also absorb moisture and eliminate bacteria caused by sweat, making them a favorite among medical communities nationwide. These orthotic antimicrobial insoles are made with Ortholite, an antimicrobial material that will leave your feet feeling fresh and dry all day long.
Say goodbye to uncomfortable feet with Foot Soldiers Plus — the Foot Soldier Shell with a full-length cover of Ortholite — from KLM. Your feet will thank you.
Order the level of support you require:
Mild (Clear shell, our most flexible)
Medium (White shell, most common support level)
Max (Black shell, for maximum support).